Quick reference

Considering the following example:

<script src="https://jsuites.net/v4/jsuites.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://jsuites.net/v4/jsuites.css" type="text/css" />

<i>Press enter, comma or tab for the next keyword.</i>
<div id="tags"></div>

var tags = jSuites.tags(document.getElementById('tags'), {
    onchange: function() {

Available Methods

Method Description
tags.getData(); Get all tags as a object
tags.getValue(number) Get a specific tag by index or all tags value
@param integer indexNumber - Null for all tags
tags.setValue(string); Set a new value for the javascript tagging
@param string newValue - Values separate by comma
tags.reset(); Clear all tags
tags.isValid(); Validate tags

Available events

Method Description
onbeforechange Method executed before a value is changed.
(HTMLElement element, Object instance, String currentValue, String value) => string
onchange Method executed when a value is changed.
(HTMLElement element, Object instance, String currentValue) => void
onfocus Method executed when the input is focused.
(HTMLElement element, Object instance, String currentValue) => void
onblur Method executed when the input is focused.
(HTMLElement element, Object instance, String currentValue) => void
onload Method executed the DOM element is ready.
(HTMLElement element, Object instance) => void

Initialiation settings

Property Description
value: string array
limit: number Max number of tags inside the element
search: string array
placeholder: string The default instruction text on the element
validation: function Method to validate the entries in the input.
(HTMLElement element, String text, String value) => boolean